Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 12: Clear

This is a chart from 2006 of where people spent their time online, it's interesting how things have changed over the last five years. The photo is provided by davemc500hats. Here is the link:
  This week the concept that was made clear to me was how people spend  their time on the Internet. One apparent misconception I had before seeing the info graphic, was that the majority of Internet users spend their time viewing content online, for example, YouTube clips.  I had previously believed that people spent most of their time on social networking site, especially with the rise in popularity of Twitter and Face book. I was also surprised to learn that the country that uses social networking the most is Brazil. The United States has the highest Internet population in the world, while also having the most bloggers in the world.
   Understand how people spend their time on the Internet is vital in the business environment. Having knowledge that the majority of Internet users spend their time viewing online content, your business can create videos showcasing the strengths of your company. Instead of spending unnecessarily on advertising on website, you can create your own videos pretty inexpensively to promote your business. You can also create an App for mobile phones that can give consumers more assess to your company where ever they go.
  I found an article that claims that  it is good for teenagers to spend time online. According to a study, spending time online is important for young people so they can learn the appropriate social and technical skills for the digital age. Also contained in the article is advice on staying safe online, for example, if your doing a status update on Face book then don't put your exact location. Here is a link to the article:

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